1985, International Symbols 1991, New Products undated, New Year's Resolutions 1976, Rules For Personal Hygiene 1987, Sagan, Carl undated, Beezer The Lonely Parakeet 1984, Library Questions (Master Set) 1990, Bad Campaign Slogans 1991, Interview With A Canadian Mouse 1982, Halloween Pumpkins 1985, Dr. Sigmund Fraud 1988, Kids' Thanksgiving Letters 1991, Odds (Audience Survey) 1985, Lone Ranger Interview 1983, Good Side Of Bad News, The undated, New Bride's Book Of Etiquette 1981, Turbo: Opposed To Women Newscasters 1991, Testing The Material 1986, Edge Of Wetness, The 1990, Crimebusters Bulletin 1983, Harmonic Convergence 1986, Subbing For Robert Q. Lewis undated, Twenty Thousand Gallon Pyramid 1975, Bicentennial Celebration 1989, Twelve Days Of Christmas undated, Comments On Nightclub Set undated, Milli Vanilli 1991, Comic President, The undated, TV Promos For Shows That Didn't Make It 1984, Uses For Garfield Dolls undated, Putty The Parrot 1985, State Of The Union Rehearsal 1989, Tele-Scam Home Shopping Club 1983, Public Service Announcements (Set-up) 1984, Tax Advice The apocryphal Tonight Show incident with Zsa Zsa Gabor and her . 1990, Pages undated, Aunt Blabby (Bicentennial Bus Tour) undated, Unveiling The 1978 Coffin undated, Turbo: Against Pay Television 1984, New Laws You May Have Missed 1986, Newsom! 1992, Audience Health Survey 1985, Psychic Predictions For 1986 undated, Columbo Sketch undated, Turbo: Against Legalized Gambling 1979, Calendars, Nineteen Eighty-One 1978, Musical Diaper Alarm Lines My favorite part of Johnny's stick routine was when it was an airplane. 1976, Commercial Nursery Rhymes 1975, Anniversary Show, Twenty-Eighth 1986, Tips For Travelers 1986, Iceland Travel Photos 1984, Monday Night Football With William F. Buckley 1981, Things To Do On New Year's Eve 1982, Schneer: EPA Representative 1983, Bank Robbery Epidemic, The Breast 1985, Carsongate 1981, Carnac The Magnificent undated, Tea-Time Movie: Radio Shaft 1978, Politicians' Turn-ons And Turn-offs undated, Olympic Preparation, L. A. 1981, Who's In Charge Here? 1984, College Extension Courses 1989, Lindbergh's Black Box Recorder undated, Turbo: Against Funding The Arts undated, Carpenter During Sweeps 1992, Hit Man At The IRS 1982, Schneer: Airline Industry Representative 1990, Art Forgery Expert Sketch 1984, National Sleaze 1975, Cop Shop Talk 1980, Turbo: Against Imported Cars 1991, Rarest Photos 1990, Willies, The 1989, Origin Of Christmas Traditions, The 1988, Tonight Show Lottery, John-O undated, New Year's Eve Attention Grabbers Sure it's important, but it's not worth beating yourself up over. undated, Tele-Scam Home Shopping Club 1983, If There Was Any Justice 1992, Tonight Show Flash Cards 1983, Predictions For 1990's 1984, Presidential Debate Clips 1988, Celebrity Spinoff Products 1987, Vacation Suggestions 1980, Man From Frozen Country, The 1992, Kids' Endings To Proverbs 1984, Commercial Blackouts 1987, Collectibles Unfortunately most entrepreneurs do a poor imitation of Dickie; we try to be all things to all people. undated, Movie Out-Takes undated, Turbo: Against Protecting The Environment 1988, Children's Material Envelope 1992, Tea-Time Movie: Scam Tram ), Floyd R. Turbo- "Spending Tax Dollars on HEW", Desk- "Spring Cleaning"; Johnny also reads an, Mighty Carson Art Players- "Census Blackouts", Desk- "Questions From The Long Census Form", Mighty Carson Art Players- "Big D" (Dallas parody), Mighty Carson Art Players- "Raul Ruiz- Marathon Runner", Mighty Carson Art Players- "Tea-Time Movie", Mighty Carson Art Players- "Commercial Blackouts (on sleeping pills, hair coloring, beer, financial services, and coffee)", Desk- "Hospital Snapshots"; Mighty Carson Art Players- "Cainine Vs. Cainine", Desk- "Foods Banned By The NBC Commissary", Desk - Johnny gives a firsthand account of the, Desk- "The Trivia Dispatch"; Desk- "This Is Your Life, Tommy Newsom". undated, Springtime Cycle Of Life In Washington 1987, Public Address Announcements 1981, Remote, Howard K. - Madison Avenue Executive 1987, Washington Rumors undated, Earthquake Tips 1986, Martin Barroom Clip, Billy undated, Bad Jobs Held By Celebrities 1984, Sagan, Carl 1991, Retire 1985 References 1988, Bad Russian Acts undated, Promo-Nashville 1982, Vacation Snapshots 1986, Turbo: Equal Time 1989, Vending Machines 1986, Halloween Walk-Ons Every product has them, and it's dangerous for you to be the last to know what yours are. I take my vacation time and I spend time with my family. Johnny Mathis: Sketch- "Dickie the Stick" 4525: December 17, 1980 () Johnny Yune: B.B. undated, Let's Trade A Person, Ed John was born on October 23, 1925 and died on 23rd January 2005. 1982, College Extension Courses 1982, World Series Highlights 1978, Ask Mr. Showbiz undated, Christmas Songs, Unusual 1986, Famous Gaffes 1986, Lucky Lottery Numbers Two years ago it was going great guns. undated, Carson Reports: Abscam 1985, How To Pick Up A Man 1980, How Spring Is Celebrated Around The Country 1990, Government Waste 1981, Commercial Actors School 1990, Tonight Show Corkboard 1982, Celebrity Yearbook 1988, Forest Ranger 1976, Cults 1991, Hints From Heloise undated, Remote, Howard K. - Question Of The Week undated, Staff Lie Detector Test Unfortunately, most entrepreneurs do a poor imitation of Dickie; we try to be all things to all people. undated, Weather, Cycle Of Johnny In Indonesia 1990. 1981, Carson's Believe It Or Stuff It 1981, Tea-Time Movie: House Of Carpetbaggers undated, Testing Common Sayings 1985, Psychic Predictions For 1981 Appearances are deceiving - Where job seekers and hiring managers don't see eye to eye (from New York Times): 58 percent of job seekers think employment at a well-regarded company is very important; only 30 percent of hiring managers agree. 1982, Vacation Postcards 1984, Show Me Something, Turkey 1988, Empty Your Pockets 1985, Valentine's Day Love Letter From The Audience 1977, Commercial Blackouts undated, Carter Visits The Hernandez Family undated, Trenton Pickle Ordinance, The 1991, What Is A Trillion? 1986, State Of The Tonight Show Address undated, Blurry Photos undated, Interview With Russian Submarine Commander 1981, Chevette In The Snowdrift, The undated, Oprah On TV Guide 1987, Phobias 1982, Real Estate Seminar TV Guy Nothing beats learning a lesson on someone else's dime. 1982, Find Baby Doc Duvalier An Apartment 1987, Available Jobs 1986, Little Known Phobias 1975, Family Fuel Fued 1986, Eyewitless News 1982, Variety Club Tribute, Reagan For most of us "little guys and gals," the key is to resist expansion that doesn't weaken your brand and defend your niche with everything you've got. 1981, Schneer: Hospital Representative 1985, Fascinating Facts undated, Carson Saves Woman's Life In Oklahoma undated, Replacement Product Slogans 1991, Turbo: Against Women in Locker Rooms 1986, Mr. Codgers Neighborhood 1984, Great Moments In History 1989, Audience Graduation, Tonight Show 1984, Regional English 1990, Picking The Zsa Zsa Jury Johnny Carson received the Television Academy's 1980, six Emmy Awards, and a Peabody Award in 1985. 1982, Tea-Time Movie: Round Things With Holes In The Middle 1987, North Jury Selection, Oliver Johnny showed how you could turn Dickie into a gun, a playmate, even an airplane. 1982, Pilots That Didn't Make It 1986, Finding James Bond In Audience undated, Letter To Mrs. 1982, Joke Rivalry Between The States 1987, What Is A Trillion? 1983, Telephone Sketch 1981, Santa Letters 1988, Presidential Poll And Other Questions 1985, Tonight Show Viewer Profile 1977, Pilots That Didn't Make It 1990, Audience Graduation 1984, James The Tailor 1983, Ways To Avoid Sharks In fact it was just a wooden broom handle. 1986, Be Johnny For A Night 1985, What The Next Fifty Years Will Bring 1981, Whatchamacallit Words 1990, Survival In The City undated, Telephone Operator Interview Johnny showed how you could turn Dickie into a gun, a playmate, even an airplane. 1987, Pope Visits The NBC Commissary, The 1981, Lemonade, Ice Tea Lines 1982, Summer Love undated, Household Safety Tips 1986, Dixon Predictions 1989, Small Print On Your Ticket, The 1966, Democracy Is undated, One Hundred-One Free Things To Do This Summer Ironically, I think this also makes us better employees. 1975, Summer Drinks 1984, April Fools' Novelty Items undated, Celebrity Theme Parks undated, Specialty Magazines 1992, Prop Spot, Final 1986, Regional English 1986, Flea Market Collectables 1982, Christmas Cards, Unusual 1984, Movies That Didn't Get Oscar Nominations undated, Carson Financial Disclosure 1992, Red Adair Interview 1989, Tonight Show Delegates 1975, Dictionary Of Medical Folklore 1982, News Blackouts Nuclear Power Plant undated, Aunt Blabby (Inaugural Visit) 1986, Items Left In President Reagan's Dressing Room undated, Turbo: Against Televised Presidential Debates 1986, Halloween Pumpkins 1989, Financial Planning For 1982 undated, Eyewitless News, Eddie Murphy Endings 1986, Santa's Naughty Or Nice List 1982, For A Lot Of Laughs Call John 1984, Who's In Charge Here? 1981, Meese And Ed McMahon, Ed 1992, Lighten Up, Governor Richard H. Bryan undated, Great Book Of Catalogs 1976, Bicentennial Celebration 1978, Elvis Interview 1988, Poindexter-Beckler Whisperings undated, Headaches 1975, Library Questions undated, NBC Cutbacks undated, Book Of Failure 1983, President Reagan Re-election Speech 1987, Prison Calendar 1975, Carson Caucas undated, Biden's Farewell Speech, Joe 1985, Inaugural Trivia 1985, Inaugural Activities, Snapshots Of undated, On An Average Day In America Allen Funt, Terry-Thomas, Dickie Henderson: With Johnny Carson, Skitch Henderson, Ed McMahon, Allen Funt. 1986, Senate TV Broadcast 1976, Martin Aerobics Tape, Billy 1992, Twelfth Day Of Christmas, On The 1989, Recycling Household Items undated, Celebration Of Spring 1980, Census Blackouts 1989, Really Important Survey 1981, Corporate Mergers So spend time carefully picking your personal Hall of Shame and follow its members closely. 1980, Tickets To Other Shows 1985, Carson's Believe It Or Stuff It 1978, Bass Masters Fishing Tournament 1976, How To Be A Good Lover 1989, Sarajevo Winter Olympics undated, Get To Know Burbank 1986, Super Tuesday Predictions 1977, Aunt Blabby (Vacation/England) 1986, Miss Manners' Guide 1986, Mr. Sun Interview 1978, New Woman's Guide To Getting Married 1989, Carl The Cardboard 1989, Generic Backstage Questions 1988, Mahareshi 1986, Tonight Show Blank Minute 1986, Twas The Night Before Christmas, Reagan Reading 1984, Running Mate Game, The 1983, Dr. Ruth 1975, Kids Letters To Santa 1985, Audience Hometown Snapshots 1986, Lighting Of The Hat, The 1984, Dine And Dance With Star 1986, Showbiz Flashcards