Steve took notice of Pony's response to his teasing and was usually able to pull himself back in. Ponyboy just watched two of the most important people in his life die, but when he hits the ground instead of waking up hes back to when he had gotten jumped a week before his friends died. Soda did tend to give non-spanking punishments if he could, several times making Johnny and Pony write lines or stand in the corner. 15. It's also about Johnnyboy (Johnny and Ponyboy from The Outsiders) and I know Johnny dies in their world, but when ponyboy's worst nightmares about his best friend come true, how is he gonna take it? Slash where, Johnny didn't kill bob everything's the same, the greasers are still getting jumped by the socs. lilylizzybooks, Rad3, Bronx15, Scaryrainwater, anouk8, Lee7984, Underground_Underdog, QueenJules, localzombie, RyuuNakano21, Iwouldhavelovedyouforever, clockworkroxy, belarus1234, justyzip, MadieNF, ToxicArcee93, augjaws, Bodwod, Kpopforever1, KayleeArafinwiel, Noelle_ish, BabyBoy1222, Gallavichdrunk10, donotdisturb22, Tristansgirl1982, SingingSongbird23, Dannybakugo, AwFuckWhatDoIPutHere, Anto16, Cat2000, vaetta, seven_seven_six, agrona_o_dderw, solar_sssystem, always_angel, XSpotX, Marvelouslygrace, irxdxscentraiin105, lintics, sad_brat, 1SilverFox1, HomespunSally, maworth, Liyong, danidaze, PurpleCottonCandy593, TheKarateKld, EgotisticalLee, LucyGoose, Sagatae, and 151 more users I genuinely love these boys, and this book, so I really hoping you do, too! The first time it happened, when Darry let his temper get to him, Darry had to practically beg Soda to whip him. WebIt's October 2022 and Johnny is determined to appreciate the fall season. She stared at the glow of the light in the dark and tears began to prick at her eyes. Backtalk after you were warned to stop, or bad language by Darry's standards usually lead to eating soap. 7. Whether it be fighting or drag racing, the two bent over side by side for a whupping more than they did alone. They were a ragtag, smart mouthed group of greasers but they were hisragtag smart mouthed group of greasers. Usually. 8. Dont Mess With Darry 25. Itchin' for a Switchin' Darry would whip him hard and fast and then they would never speak of it again. anyways I sorry but this is for the makeup (). Is heis he a zombie? Chicken (Curly and Tim) His fianc is there to remind him that he never lost them and that they are still with Ponyboy. Playin' Hooky (part 2) 17. Dally was again the most difficult. Johnny would die. If you didn't listen when you were told to do something, or you were refusing to go to Darry to get swatted, then Darry would start to count to three. "Ti amo fino alla luna e ritorno," he whispered. ALL CHARACTERS RIGHTFULLY OWNED BY SE HINTON !!!!! Darry was always after him for hair-brained stunts and cracking one too many jokes. // 28. WebHe was only sixteen and his parents barely noticed he was alive. She's a bit lower than the middle class, but she is still accepted by 14. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, 1. No, as much as it killed him, Dally had to let Dallas pay for his own mistakes most of the time. This seemed to work well. No Place For Kids All theyve been barely surviving on is some bread and baloney. 3. Campin' (part 2) //I do not own nor am I associated with The Outsiders or any of the The Outsiders characters. Make it Right Ponyboy has another nightmare. Darry wouldn't confront or holler at Dallas like he would any others. Runnin' Things Please consider turning it on! If not, Darry would bark the miscreants name, snap, and point to the floor directly in front of him, making him walk over to Darry's reach. TW: mentions of suicide; depression; mental health disorders. Ponyboy and Johnny, and even Sodapop if no one else was around, would end up right in Darry's lap crying into his shoulder after a licking. Pretty much one shots ig. 34. He was wrong. They all knew that Pony was smart and he was expected to do his best in school. He felt numb, he was scared. That word was not sufficient. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". WebPonyboy gets one chance to write to Johnny in Heaven telling anything and everything he wanted. Tattlin' 39. Ponyboy doesnt know how true that statement is. She's a bit lower than the middle class, but she is still accepted by Their story is not over ye Oneshots;) And sometimes that meant that Dally would get his ribs broken by Tim Shepard. If socs always get all the breaks, what do greasers get? Johnny Cade, a young man starts a new life living independently in his new apartment. I dunno, man. Soda once said that Pony spent more time ass up over Darry's knee than he did right side up. Tulsa Oklahoma 1966- Johnny Cade(16) and Ponyboy Curtis(14) have a secret only then know, but when people start to find out, what happens? Pony gets stuck in a timeloop, can he save his friends? Hold your horses kid, Dally chuckled, Pun intended., (i might continue this!! The differences in Darry Curtis and Tim Shepard's discipline styles boiled down to one thing--Where Tim used his fist to keep his boys in line, Darry used his palm. Pony didn't quite get it, but Darry knew that taunting was the only way Steve really knew how to show affection. Everything seems to be blurring together. How the- Why- Are- Arent you- HOW. Pony sputtered out in confusion. Weban AU about Johnny and ponyboy. So many things get in their way, will they stay faithful? If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. John Johnny and Ponyboy are soulmates no doubt, but they have to live in fear from a cold and hate driven town. this is just for fun . Because Only 2 people in the world have the same tattoo in the same spot. 44. Stay Gold." The term Darry often used for it was a 'conversation.' However, he skips the key step of getting Johnny to go with him. A Real (Grounded) Kid Brother. Everyone has their match, and everyone has a soulmate. Johnnyboy WebCaught kissing Johnnyboy by whoisDdD 114 2 1 Johnny and Pony ran into the house giggling up a storm. These range from the first time he met a few people to the last time he saw them. No Man Left Behind Plus, his smart mouth was always getting him into trouble, so he ended up eating soap more than anyone else. Could you ever learn to love? The kid had a good head, but he never wanted to use it. How that plan didn't work. Church COMPLETED WITH HAPPY ENDING Peckin' Order Work Search: Webjohnnyxponyboy ponyboyxjohnny +3 more # 12 Running Away is Easy by ruby 1K 23 8 Johnny survived the fire at the church in Windrixville, and now that he is out of the He was looking at her. He had just wanted to do his science homework, but I guess that was a lost cause. 4. "I'm so so sorry pony. 6. Runnin' Wild ------------------------- // Darry wanted to make sure that if he had to discipline Johnny, it would be as different from Johnny's dad's senseless beatings as possible. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. WebSummary: Pony and Johnny turn to Dallas when they're in need of guidance after an incident at the park. They never had to fill the silence with words when they were together. Dallas comes home after a job to his husband. Steve and Two-Bit would accept a hug, and while trying to act tough, would secretly melt into their big brother's arms. Sitting in the dirt, cold, wet and shivering. Shepard Everything bad happens to them? Only his best friend Johnny Cade knows, and only his best friend Johnny Cade can be the one to help. Sodapop had swatted Pony more times than either of them could count and even pulled him over his knee a few times. A heart-to-heart. Still, it wasn't uncommon to see both of them in opposite corners until Pony could calm down. 655 guests Testin' Darry But when it came to serious trouble, like the time that Soda came home drunk and puked on Darry's shoes, there was no talking Darry out of it. He always talked to Johnny about it a good long time first, assuring the kid that he wasn't angry, before taking him into his bedroom, putting him over his knee and spanking the kid with only his hand, or on rare occasions, a wooden spoon. Over It Eatin' Soap 40. (Pony x Johnny) Johnny Cade told me to Stay Gold. Morally Ambiguous WebTake place where Johnny killed Bob. One thing lead to anothe Ponyboy needs help. Forbidden love. i don't want t A continuation of The Outsiders (chapter four) in a world where Johnny and Ponyboy are realizing their romantic feelings for each other. Why can't I just tell him how I feel? WebPonyboy asked him as Johnny pulled his cigarette pack out of his jean jacket's pocket and lit it, taking a long drag. It was not uncommon to walk into the Curtis house and see Darry with his foot propped up on a chair, one of his brothers hanging over his leg and gripping his ankle. After being hurt your whole entire life, how could you even risk opening your heart to someone who is just as broken as you are? And, as the youngest, Darry hovered and fussed at him about safety, knowing he was an easy target for the Socs. he'd throw me away. 52. All Brawn and No Brain Hed learned that trick from his mother after she heard him say shit when he was ten. Strikin' a Deal Ponyboy needs help. Ponyboy needs help. Some good old Johnny x Ponyboy from The Outsiders oneshots! will close in december 2023. Theyre both getting sick of it Pony especially. THESE CHARACTERS DO NOT BELONG TO ME. As in, do that again and you and me are gonna have a conversation. All of them had been on the receiving end of a conversation more than once. His go-to by far was a swat or two followed by a firm telling off. 33. How that plan didn't work. Johnnyboy Campin' (part 1) "kiss me". All rights go to S.E Hilton. But sometimes Steve crossed the line, got Pony too worked up. They did have a jar of peanut butter for a little while, but out of pure boredom, Pony had dared Johnny to eat the entire jar day or two ago. Since Darry did most, but not all, of the disciplining, he also did most of the comforting. 21. WebPonyboy runs to the park after getting hit by Darry. They wonder if it is all worth it. Maybe.. They might complain and argue, but in the end they all trusted Darry not to punish them unfairly. Soda secretly thought that Darry whipped him extra hard to make up for the times he'd weaseled his way out of it. // While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. You're trying to move forward with life and maybe get to know Johnny Cade, but you'll have to face your past before you can hope for your future.Slow burn. Warnings: language, some voilence/assault, drinking, smoking, etc. But Darry was always happy to see that Johnny would run up and squeeze his idol tight around the middle, the only one who could do that without getting knocked flat on their back. Most people travel the world to find theirs, but Johnny didn't know anyone. Pony thought that those would be Johnny's last words. Getting a Choice Darry knew he wasnt the perfect parent, but since Darrel Sr. had died, Darry was the closest thing to a good father any of them had. Only kisses and cuddles for these two :)* The only thing I wanted was Johnny Cade. A strange event that takes place in the bathroom for only a few seconds? He was Too Big for His Britches Rusty-James isn't supposed to be at the Quarter Bar tonight. One thing lead to anothe Ponyboy Curtis is a soccer player for the Tulsa, OK Ocelots soccer team. EDIT: y'all still reading this shit- I wrote this in 8th grade and it's cringe and i'msosorry- A story about Johnny Cade who is a emo, aesthetic lil "his emotions changed from blazing fire to cotton candy in a matter of seconds", Johnny gets adopted by darry and is now Johnny Curtis. Slash It's the first day of February and Ponyboy and Johnny are trying to figure out how to co "im in love with him. The boys almost always did what they were told by three. It's a slash humor and I garentee you will laugh and sorta be sad at the same These will be the things that will change Ponyboy Curtis's life forever. They weren't hoods after all. 18. !!!! Gettin' Away with It In the meantime Johnny enjoys the privilege of being able to continue living, su -Each chapter will be of different pairings from The Outsiders and That Was Then, This Is Now- WebPonyboy was jolted out of his thoughts at the sound of Johnny's skittish and soft voice. 55. He was sneaking inside of here since he was almost fourteen years old. 16. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words. The ringing of the phone made Gene jump, and she quickly picked up the receiver and held it to her ear. -I will be using lines and quotes from the book and/or movie- Ponyboy and Claire have been very good friends, even though she's two years older than him. Soda was surprisingly good at it, whipping Darry's briefs-covered ass hard until he noticed that Darry was biting down on his lip deep enough to draw blood. The gang starts paying a lot less attention to Ponyboy so he finds comfort in an unhealthy form as he struggles with being a teenager with no guidance. Will he get over this pain and loss of his deceas Johnny some how survived the fire, and the doctors found out a way to fix Johnny's back. Johnny Cade finds himself waking up under the ground. However, he grinned happily at the dark eyed teen. WARNING: May include cuss words :D. ive only seen ONE littlespace book for the outsiders fandom so I made one of my own! They weren't just a gang; they were a family. // ~ 9. It doesn't Johnny Cade x Dallas Winston This was an assessment from last year in the eighth grade to write a spin off of a book we read on our own or the outsiders that we read as a class. If the culprit was within grabbing distance, Darry would just turn him around and pop him with his hand or whatever was in reach. More than anyone else, Two-Bit hated to be still and quiet, so Darry used that to his advantage. But the way he saw it, Darry hadn't just let himself down, he had let the whole gang down, and needed to be punished severely, if only to assuage his own guilt. He would never punch his boys like other gang leaders. Neither does Dallas, and that sets up for a lot of changes for Ponyboy Curtis. Thats probably a bad sign. Flashing his crooked grin and batting his eyelashes a few times could get him out of most minor trouble. He very quickly realizes he has a chance to change how things went down, but its never so simple is it? Damn Brats Double Trouble It was easier with Dallas, whose parents didn't care either, because he was tougher, colder, and meaner. He tried to be fair, give warnings and swats before the real thing, but each and every one of them had a knack of going a little too far. Johnny, on the other hand, found himself less in need of a conversation than anyone else in the gang. This story is in no way meant to endorse corporal punishment. 49. How Slash WebPOV Johnny Cade Johnny Ponyboy croaks, you think were gonna die up here? A heavy sigh escapes from Johnnys lips as his eyelids slip shut. She had taken Darry aside after shed seen her son walking stiffly a few times, to thank him for doing what he could to keep her son alive and out of jail. TW: mentions of suicide; depression; mental health disorders, (Might update) Dallas Winston is frozen. 42. The gang tries to convince Darry to take in another brother. I HAD A ERROR!!! The gangs in high school and some crazy things happen when they're left unsupervised. Not that he hasn't been before Angela Shepard has never given a shit about legal ages. 30. 5. Johnny and Dally find out theyve been revived but not really in a way theyd like it to be, I suck at summaries- It's just a bunch of oneshots with the Outsiders characters- There's a lot of headcanons and lgbtq stuff- trans umbrella readers are included btw. I like my best Johnny and Pony ran into the house giggling up a storm. Darry would lecture and holler at him over and over about the same things, but it seemed like the only way to get the message through to Pony's head was to beat it into his backside. Dally was the most challenging to reign in. My name's Ponyboy Curtis. Tim's Little Helper This is a bunch of stories I wrote my favourites brothers to that have happened to me. She grasped the receiver in her hand like she was worried it would fade away. A rainy day. Two-Bit, even though he was only three years younger and the second oldest, rivaled Ponyboy in bringing Darry's displeasure for not using his head. The only thing I wanted was Johnny Cade. While Darry took everything seriously, Two-Bit took nothing seriously. twobitmatthews ponyboycurtis dallaswinston +8 more # 15 Johnny Cades ive loved the outsides for awhile and i ship johnny and dally and i haven't seen any smuts so imma write some but also i'm horrible at writing so i'm sorry. 41. It wasn't normal for Johnny to be so jumpy and energetic. Although they were never said explicitly, Darry had a specific set of rules and consequences. where, Johnny didn't kill bob "Hi, Johnnycake. --------------------------------------------------------------- If pushed, Darry could deliver one spectacular beat down. 36. Coming home wasn't exactly easy, and the rumble complicates it further when Dallas drags him up from the muddy ground, and drives him to the hospital, ranting at him the entire time about not being like Johnny about toughening up. This work could have adult content. Smokin' Backsides - If Steve got Pony so riled up that Pony got himself punished, then Steve was getting punished as well. They're loosely based off my memories but I've adapted them to the guys. Two-Bit was the only one who had ever made it to three, and he swore that his ass was never the same again. The boys never wanted to be called to task in the kitchen; that almost certainly meant being popped with the wooden spoon. Soda in Charge With everything you have gone through with someone,it's hard not to get feelings for them. ), Rain and Stars, now starring YOU!You just moved back to Tulsa and reunite with old friends. Halloween Curse Why did it have to be so hard for me to realize I'm the one he wants or am I? Ponyboy by far got in trouble the most often. She knew as hard as she tried she would never be able to forget that night, when honey seemed to flow from the air around her and the sky above sparkled magically. Other than the times he and Soda got in trouble together, Steve mostly caught it for one reason: teasing Pony. But he couldn't do that with Dally. TW: Self harm, suicide. 53. 47. Johnnyboy TW: mentions of suicide; depression; mental health disorders. updated whenever the mood strikes. Accept, I'm different. They love each other very much, they show their affection to the whole world quite often, and rarely have fights. Just in a different way. everything's the same, the greasers are still getting jumped by the socs. And he definitely remembers the pain of losing him. Pony had complained before that Darrys standards were higher for him than anyone else, and that was probably true. ------------------------- 29. Will the Gang save him or will he be forever Bob Memories Ponyboy reminisces on before the night of his wedding. 13. Ponyboy always knew Johnny was special. Heled the way out of the house. What's wrong..? Dallas Winston would not accept a hug from Darry, even if he had let Darry whup him just two minutes before. its difficult for me to comprehend, since boys cant love boys. If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. 46. It always killed him to have to hear the boy's hollers, and Darry had hoped he could spare Sodapop that at least. The sequel to my very first book; Rose of the Biker's Gravel (highly recommend you read that first!) Putting themselves in acute danger, disobeying a direct order, or getting arrested without a damn good reason (No, Steve, the cop was being a dickhead so I keyed his car is NOT a good reason) could guarantee a whupping. Can't Catch A Break Dally was different. He made Soda use their Dad's old strap, something he'd never used on one of his boys. // Derogatory language, especially toward women, was not allowed. Ponyboy Curtis is a soccer player for the Tulsa, OK Ocelots soccer team. An early goodbye. Ponyboy and Soda were the only omegas in the fight, as Dallas' anger gets worse, as his stress gets worse, he'd felt the bile in his throat mixing with the uncomfortable thought that Johnny was going to die. To his credit, Two-Bit did NOT make that mistake twice. - And the rest of his gang he had all but adopted as his little brothers. The only problem is he doesn't know it. This Is just a little story about a cafe, picnics and love. Set after the events that occurred with Windrixville. Had Johnny really killed that boy? 31. Or; Pony comes to realize a few things while he and Johnny are on the run and the time spent together after. Of course, if Dally didn't want to accept it, he, just like the rest of them, was free to leave and stay away from the Curtis house. Most of the time, Darry let Steve get on Pony. enjoy, and stay gold playboy! After Johnny is willing to kill a man to keep Pony (and himself) safe, Pony slowly realizes that Johnny might see him as special too. Johnny just wants to run away from everything. Please consider turning it on! I followed 20. Hell, he even stuck Steve in the corner a few times per Darry's if-Pony-gets-in-trouble-so-does-Steve rule. Darry had been looking after Sodapop and Ponyboy since he was a kid himself, and had been raising them by himself ever since their parents died. Two-Bits mother loved him, but he was a bit too wild for her to reign in on her own, with all the hours she worked just to keep a roof over their heads. For some reason, Dally is too. But there were some words and phrases that Darry just didn't tolerate. Firsts I live with my brothers, soda and Darry. It broke Darry's heart the times he had to spank him, knowing what he went through at home, but someone had to put a stop to his more self destructive tendencies. an AU about Johnny and ponyboy. // While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. A sunset. Well, sometimes his belt. He tended to think that Sodapop coddled Pony and that the kid could use some toughening up. "Johnnycakes? Those few isolated occasions weren't the only time that someone other than Darry stepped in to do the disciplining, although Darry was always the final authority. ever sense that night at the park Ponyboy and Sodapop are starting to get abused by their older brother, Darry, Soda and The rest of the gang try to protect Pony the best they could, Johnny and Ponyboy I also wear baggy pants to cover my hips since they've gotten more feminine.. They ended up heading to Pony's room so no one walked in. For all the pain I put you through" I say as another tear rolls down my face "it's all *NO SMUT! I'M SO SORRY!!!! 2. All characters belong to S.E Hinton Darry's rule was simple. It made sense; Soda was pretty much his second in command. 24. He remembers feeling almost sick; so many alphas all around them, jacked up on adrenaline and pheromones. (author's note has more detailed information! Except, of course, Johnny does not die. 10. Playin' Hooky (part 1) Some good memories are shared also. Pony always felt these strange feeling towards guys Ponyboy wakes up to find that Tesla has been coded with a white blanket of snow. There's an intruder in their house and Ponyboy's awake. This is simply a hurt/comfort fic, set in an AU in which spanking is an accepted (which it shouldn't be irl) and effective (which it isn't irl) form of discipline. They ended up heading to Pony's room so no one walked in. Cute (I think) stories of our favourite greasers. To see such content getting hit by Darry 's knee than he did right side up be. `` uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto '' angst kudos > 10 not accept a hug from Darry, even if had! He wanted find that Tesla has been coded with a white blanket snow. Kisses and cuddles for these two: ) * the only problem is he does n't know it webponyboy one. Was almost fourteen years old Darry 's knee than he did right side up in timeloop. To give non-spanking punishments if he had let Darry whup him just two minutes before best Johnny Pony... 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